ISSN 2542–0380
Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics

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им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Kireev V.N., Urmancheev S.F. Regimes of stabilization of the flow of anomalous thermoviscous liquid depending on the heat exchange Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics. 2016. 11(2). 272–277.
2016. Vol. 11. Issue 2, Pp. 272–277
DOI: 10.21662/uim2016.2.039
Regimes of stabilization of the flow of anomalous thermoviscous liquid depending on the heat exchange
Kireev V.N., Urmancheev S.F.
Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics, Ufa


In the paper the results of numerical modeling of the flow of an incompressible fluid with a non-monotonic dependence of the viscosity on the temperature in a channel are presented. On the channel’s walls the heat exchange is specified that are written mathematically in the form of the boundary conditions of the third kind on the basis of the Newton– Richman convective heat exchange law. The regimes of flow stabilization in the channel depending on the Nusselt numbers have been studied. Four different types of unsteady processes are discovered and it has been shown that they are determined by the different heat exchange intensity.


hermoviscous liquid,
heat exchange
, Nusselt number,
laminar flow,
regimes of stabilisation,
unsteady processes