ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Peer-review process

Upon receipt of the manuscript by the editors of the journal ”Multiphase Systems“, the Editor will perform a preliminary evaluation. Articles that do not meet the aims and objectives of the journal and/or do not meet the journal's minimum requirements for article design will be rejected by the editorial board without going through the peer review process. The remaining manuscripts will be sent for review by the editorial team.

”Multiphase Systems“ uses a ”double blind peer review“ process. Reviewers receive the manuscript from the editorial board without any trace of authorship and authors receive an anonymous peer review. Communication between reviewers and authors takes place through the journal's editorial board (”Multiphase Systems“ email).

Reviewers ensure that they have sufficient and appropriate competence to evaluate the manuscript.

Reviewers ensure that they follow ethical guidelines when peer reviewing, clearly state their arguments, and do not allow offensive language or personal criticism of the authors.

If there is a conflict of interest, such as competition, author interaction or organization, the referee refuses to review the manuscript and reports this to the Editorial.

The referee makes sure that the text of the submitted manuscript does not contain conclusions and implications that have not been previously published and have no references to relevant literature. If the referee identifies any of the above situations, he/she notifies the journal editorial board.

Upon completion of the review, the reviewers will present their conclusions on the manuscript to the editorial board, which will include specific recommendations: ”recommended for publication“, ”recommended for publication with minor revisions“ (indicated), ”needs major revisions“ (indicated), and ”not recommended for publication”. All reviews will be sent to the authors in accordance with the principle of anonymity of reviewers.

The retention period of peer reviews at the journal editorial office is three (3) years.

The peer review period for Multiphase Systems is two (2) months from the date the manuscript is submitted for peer review.

Peer review algorithm

  1. Received manuscripts are technically checked for compliance with the journal's requirements. If it is rejected or needs to be improved, the lead author is informed.
  2. Articles that pass the technical control are sent to the referees. The maximum review period is two months.
  3. The referees' conclusions, recommendations and comments are forwarded to the lead author.
  4. If revision or improvement is required, a maximum of one month is allowed.
  5. The revised manuscript is resubmitted for review. The review period should not exceed one month.
  6. Steps 2–5 are repeated if necessary.
  7. Articles that are fully accepted by the referees or accepted with minor changes are sent for technical editing. At this stage, the editor may suggest textual changes to the lead author to correct language and style. He or she may also make cosmetic changes to images or merge images.
  8. Once the final changes have been made, the article is given the next page number, published on the journal's website and the author is informed about it.