ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова


Aims & Purposes

Multiphase system mechanics is a field of continuum mechanics that focuses on macroscopic movements of gas, liquid and solid mixtures under different physical conditions. Multiphase systems constitute a concept of macroscopic natural and artificial objects and their behavior that depends on microscopic effects and structural parameters. Multiphase systems have a distinct differentiation of phases. Their properties induce the dynamics of the system. The phenomena in focus require advanced analytical, numeric and experimental methods.

The Multiphase Systems journal aspires to contribute to the high-quality research in mechanics and associated studies that rely on up-to-date methods and a wide range of references. The journal encourages authors and readers to discuss researches devoted to fluid and gas mechanics, dispersion and porous systems mechanics, mechanics of bubbles and bubble clusters, solid medium mechanics and their interactions with the environment. The journal invites speculations on more general topics as well. The preference will be given to findings of comprehensive studies involving cutting-edge experimental and mathematical methods or cross-disciplinary studies based on multiphase mechanics approaches.

Journal's Mission

Today's world is an infinite information space. Therefore, it is peremptory to keep updating the scholarly knowledge to maintain communication in the scientific community. Dialogues and discussions among researchers in any field strongly require independent, unbiased and competent evaluation. The research processes have to be successive. Multiphase Systems is a journal that provides proficient and fruitful scientific communication in continuum and multiphase mechanics, including interaction processes, and associated fields of study.