ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова


Rules for the preparation of manuscripts for the journal ”Multiphase Systems“

The journal ”Multiphase Systems“ is published using the LaTeX publishing system; authors who can provide source files in LaTeX format can greatly speed up the work for journal publication, for which the editors are grateful. However, the editors also take on the task of converting articles submitted in other formats into LaTeX after peer review.

Preparing articles in LaTeX

The design of articles for ”Multiphase Systems“ is done using the class mfs.cls. The specified class may be changed, so it is recommended to obtain the latest version of the class from the website before creating your article.

An example design describing the commands specific to the mfs class is shown in the document mfs-example.pdf. The source file for this document, mfs-example.tex, can be used as a template. (The files mfs.pdf and mfs.eps contain the images included in the example file. These files are needed to compile the example using pdflatex and latex commans respectively.

Writing articles using office packages

If the author does not use LaTeX, a system suitable for authors can be used to prepare the text of the article. In this case, in addition to the original article file, a copy of the article in PDF format should be provided for primary reading of complex cases. In addition, the following requirements for the preparation of the material should be fully taken into account.

Requirements for the content of the material

When preparing the article, special attention should be paid to the following points

  • Read mfs-example.pdf carefully and make sure that it meets the requirements regarding the volume of each part of the text, the design of figures and tables and the reference list.
  • Figures should be submitted as separate files.
  • Only photographs can be submitted in JPG format, while figures and tables must be saved in vector format (PDF or EPS).
  • Please make sure that vector drawings in PDF or EPS format are carefully prepared. Converting low quality bitmap (JPG or PNG) images to vector images will result in loss of image quality.

1. Article

Articles should contains follows:

2. Author's outline

An author summary of 4000–5000 words should be prepared in a separate file and attached to the article. The author's outline is intended to be an independent source of information from the article, so it should be informative (should not contain common words), original (there should be no paper imitation in the Russian abstract), meaningful (reflecting the main content of the article and research results), structured (follows the logic of explaining the results of the article), compact but not short.

3. Information about the authors

Provide the following information about each author to be displayed on the website:

  • Full name;
  • Scientific Degree and Title;
  • E-mail;
  • List of affiliations;
  • Available indexes in the bibliographic systems (eLIBRARY AuthorID, ORCID, WoS ResearcherID, Scopus AuthorID);
  • Non-public phone numbers for communication by the editorial team.