ISSN 2542–0380
Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Zaripov D.M. Non-linear vibrations of the pipeline under the action of impact pressure in internal fluid Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics. 2016. 11(1). 136–140.
2016. Vol. 11. Issue 1, Pp. 136–140
DOI: 10.21662/uim2016.1.020
Non-linear vibrations of the pipeline under the action of impact pressure in internal fluid
Zaripov D.M.∗,∗∗
Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics, Ufa
∗∗Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa


The non-linear bend of flight of the horizontal pipeline on two support under the influence of impact pressure in internal liquid with taking note of longitudinal force on a bend is considered. The solution of the non-linear equation of the task is received by the numerical method. Comparing of results is given in the linear and non-linear settings. It is shown that in a non-linear case there is an oscillatory mode of movement of the pipeline, in difference from the linear case when there is an exponential growth of amplitude of a bending of the pipeline.


impact pressure,