ISSN 2542–0380
Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Boldyreva O.Yu. The propagation of surface waves in a cylindrical cavity in a saturated porous medium Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanics of Ufa Branch of RAS. 5 (2007). 107–112.
2007. Vol. 5. Issue 1, Pp. 107–112
DOI: 10.21662/uim2007.1.010
The propagation of surface waves in a cylindrical cavity in a saturated porous medium
Boldyreva O.Yu.
Tyumen Branch of Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Tyumen


The frequency dependencies of velocity and attenuation of waves propagating along the fluid-filled cylindrical cavity in a saturated porous medium are investigated. The study is made in the framework of two velocity, two stress model of the porous medium, taking into account the non-stationary forces of interphase interaction. On the boundary between the fluid and the porous medium two types of boundary conditions, i.e. open and closed pores, are considered. It is found that the most significant impact on the velocity and attenuation of the primary acoustic mode in a cylindrical waveguide in a porous medium has a permeability of the porous medium


porous medium,