ISSN 2542–0380
Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics

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им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Nasibullaeva E.Sh., Akhatov I.Sh. Modeling of oscillations of a bubble cluster in an acoustic field Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanics of Ufa Branch of RAS. 4 (2006). 174–185.
2006. Vol. 4. Issue 1, Pp. 174–185
DOI: 10.21662/uim2006.1.016
Modeling of oscillations of a bubble cluster in an acoustic field
Nasibullaeva E.Sh., Akhatov I.Sh.
Institute of Mechanics, Ufa


A mathematical model describing the dynamics of nonlinear oscillations of gas bubbles in a cluster under the influence of an acoustic field is proposed. On the basis of this model, small bubble oscillations in a cluster were analyzed, the bubble oscillations in a monodisperse cluster were compared with the oscillations of a single bubble, the effects of the interaction of bubbles in a polydisperse cluster were studied, and the diffusion stability of bubbles in mono- and polydisperse clusters was investigated.


bubble cluster,
mathematical model,
frequency of free oscillations,
diffusion stability