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Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics |
ISSN 2542–0380 DOI 10.21662 |
The application of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is one of the promisingmethods inoilandgas technologies,that canbewell usefor struggleagainst pitch, paraffin or gas-hydrate fall-out in wells and in pipelines, for action on reservoir and for other purposes. During in the operation of wells on their surfaces the asphalt-pitch-paraffinfall-out areoccurs causedof lowingof temperatureandpressure. These fall-out fills the space between pipes, that bring to a stop of well sometimes. The high-frequency electromagnetic heating is convenient mean (and the only possible way in some cases) to eliminate these complications. By that the experiments and the numerical simulation shows, that some nonlinear effects are possible. These effects are caused due to some media have temperature dependence of absorption coefficient. This dependence can be have more or less expressed “resonance“ view, to say have maximum by certain temperature. The position, height and width of that ”resonance“ dependences of electromagnetic radiation frequency and of dielectric properties of medium. These nonlinear properties can be used to rise of heating efficiency. If the radiation frequency is correct, one can to realize the heating in a ”temperature wave“ regime, that essentially rises the velocity of heating. And what is more, if one will use the nonlinear dependences α(T), one can to realize a ”reverse temperature wave“, that will move backwards: from far end of tube to the source of radiation, i.e. one can receive effects, those are impossible by usual conditions. Inthispaperthe temperaturedependence of absorption coefficient is investigated and the mathematical modelling of high-frequency electromagnetic heating (with due regard for this dependence) is carried out.
mathematical model,
nonlinear effects,
multiphase media,
electromagnetic radiation