ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова


A.A. Mukhutdinova, A.D. Nizamova, V.N. Kireev, S.F. Urmancheev Experimental setup for researching the stability of fluid flow. Multiphase Systems. 19 (2024) 1. 35–39 (in Russian).
2024. Vol. 19. Issue 1, Pp. 35–39
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2024.1.005
Experimental setup for researching the stability of fluid flow
A.A. Mukhutdinova, A.D. Nizamova, V.N. Kireev∗∗, S.F. Urmancheev
Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia
∗∗Ufa University Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia


The problem of studying the stability of the flow of a thermoviscous liquid is relevant in connection with the need to develop methods for controlling flow regimes in industrial condensers and heat exchange devices. These devices play an important role in a variety of technological processes, from food production to materials processing, and their effectiveness is directly dependent on the flow regime they establish. Awareness of the importance of both laminar and turbulent flow regimes leads to the need to balance between energy efficiency, which is often preferable to laminar flow, and heat and mass transfer efficiency, which is characteristic of turbulent flow. This makes it important to study and control the stability of the flow. As the speed of fluid flow increases, laminar flow loses stability and disturbances arise, which can lead to the formation of a secondary nonlinear regime that preserves the main characteristics of laminar flow, or to flow turbulization, which in turn can have a significant impact on the efficiency of technical devices. Although a lot of work has been done to study the stability of the flow of homogeneous liquids in channels and their spectral characteristics, the importance of taking temperature differences into account is often overlooked. However, it is the dependence of liquid viscosity on temperature that plays a significant role in determining flow patterns and requires additional study. Despite the ongoing numerical studies of the stability of fluid flow, there remains a need to compare experimental data with the results of numerical modeling to obtain a more complete understanding of the processes occurring in the system. In this regard, within the framework of this work, an experimental setup of an annular channel was developed and assembled in order to conduct a detailed experimental study of the stability of fluid flow and subsequently compare the results obtained with numerical simulations, which will provide more accurate data for further improving the design and operation of industrial devices.


thermoviscous liquid,
flow stability,
annular channel,
experimental setup

Article outline

The problem of studying the stability of the flow of a thermoviscous liquid is important in the development of effective methods for controlling flow regimes in industrial condensers and heat exchange devices. Within various technological processes, both laminar and turbulent flow regimes play an important role. The laminar regime is important from the point of view of energy efficiency, while the turbulent regime is preferable when considering the efficiency of heat and mass transfer. However, as the flow speed increases, laminar motion loses stability, and disturbances arise that can lead to the formation of a secondary nonlinear regime or to turbulization of the flow.

Despite many studies on the stability of the flow of homogeneous liquids in channels and the analysis of their spectral characteristics, in most cases possible temperature differences are ignored. However, it is worth noting that the nature of the dependence of liquid viscosity on temperature has a significant impact on flow patterns. Currently, numerical studies of the stability of liquid flow in various channels are also being carried out, but the results of experimental studies have not been compared with numerical models.

In this work, an experimental setup of an annular channel was developed and assembled in order to conduct an experimental study of the stability of fluid flow. This will allow the comparison of experimental and numerical simulation results, providing a more complete understanding of the system processes and providing the basis for further improvements in heat transfer and flow control technologies in industrial applications.

To study and visualize the laminar-turbulent transition during the flow of thermoviscous liquids in an annular channel, an experimental setup was designed and assembled, a schematic diagram and photograph of which are presented in the article.


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