ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Bashirova K.I. On the distortion of transmitted and reflected shock waves when interacting with a layer of a granular medium. Multiphase Systems. 15 (2020) 3–4. 223–227 (in Russian).
2020. Vol. 15. Issue 3–4, Pp. 223–227
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2020.3.134
On the distortion of transmitted and reflected shock waves when interacting with a layer of a granular medium
Bashirova K.I.
Ufa state aviation technical university, Ufa


A model of a shock tube has been prepared to study the behavior of a shock wave in a curved layer of light elastic granular particles located in the center of the tube. For the given problem, a standard mathematical model is written for a two-phase system, consisting of equations of continuity, state and energy, as well as an equation for the force of interphase interaction. Computational experiments were made using the OpenFOAM package. The prepared model allowed to carry out simulations for pressure between 3×105 Pa and 105 Pa and concentration of particles 20%, which creates a shock wave. Pressure distributions were obtained at different times in different sections before and after passing through the curved layer, as well as velocity profiles in similar sections. Numerical experiments have shown that the curvature of the layer of granular particles leads to significant scattering of the wave. In addition, significant changes in the wave front were revealed in the near-wall regions after the passage of a layer of granular medium. The redistribution of the fluid flow in the near-wall region is caused by the curvature of the lower boundary of the particle layer.


shock waves,
granular layer,
wave scattering,
numerical simulation


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