ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Mukhutdinova A.A., Nizamova A.D., Li W.Y. Numerical modelling of the effect of gas temperature non-uniformity on the geometric parameters of the heating element in a cold spraying technology. Multiphase Systems. 19 (2024) 3. 112–118 (in Russian).
2024. Vol. 19. Issue 3, Pp. 112–118
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2024.3.016
Numerical modelling of the effect of gas temperature non-uniformity on the geometric parameters of the heating element in a cold spraying technology
A.A. Mukhutdinova, A.D. Nizamova, W.Y. Li∗∗
Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia
∗∗Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Friction Welding Technologies, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China


In contemporary mechanical engineering, extending the lifespan of products necessitates heightened standards for the materials used in the fabrication of components and structures. One of the most promising avenues is enhancing material characteristics through the application of functional coatings. This includes boosting the material’s corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and protection against mechanical damage, as well as enabling localized repairs without disassembling the structure. Preference is given to technologies that do not adversely affect the surface to which they are applied. Cold spray technology stands out as one of the most rapidly advancing methods for applying protective coatings and imbuing materials with various functional properties. This technique not only safeguards surfaces but also enhances their operational characteristics, ensuring the longevity and reliability of products. Investigation of the influence of the dependence of the gas heating on the geometric parameters of the heating element of the cold spraying technology was considering in this work. This task was considered in two software solvers: the software product ”Thermoviscous fluids: a hydrodynamic simulator for modeling flow in annular channels with heat exchange“ and ANSYS. The modeling results show that the spiral steel tube can effectively be used for heating gas to high temperatures at high speeds. However, it is necessary to consider that at high speeds, additional hydrodynamic effects such as turbulence and shear flows may occur, which can affect the efficiency and stability of the gas (nitrogen) flow.


gas heating,
heating element,
cold spraying technology,

The research work was supported by the state budget funds for the state assignment 124030400064-2 (FMRS-2024-0001).

Article outline

Currently, in mechanical engineering, in order to increase the service life of products, increased requirements are imposed on the materials used for the manufacture of parts and structures. One of the promising directions is to improve the characteristics of materials by applying functional coatings, including increasing the corrosion resistance of the material, wear resistance and protection from mechanical damage, as well as providing the possibility of local repair of products without dismantling the structure. At the same time, preference is given to technologies that do not have a negative impact on the applied surface. The technology of cold spraying is the most dynamically developing method for applying protective coatings and imparting various functional properties to materials.

Investigation of the influence of the dependence of the gas heating on the geometric parameters of the heating element of the cold spraying technology was considering in this work. This task was considered in two software solvers: the software product ”Thermoviscous fluids: a hydrodynamic simulator for modeling flow in annular channels with heat exchange“ and ANSYS.

To solve the problem of the incompressible flow of nitrogen in a flat channel, the control volume method was chosen. This approach allows solving the Navier-Stokes equations with high accuracy, which is critical for obtaining reliable results.

The geometric dimensions of the tube, the properties of nitrogen, the boundary conditions for velocity and pressure at the inlet and outlet of the tube, and the temperature at the tube walls were used as input data for modeling.

Based on the calculations, the results for the distribution of velocity, pressure, and temperature along the length of the tube were obtained. The results of the test calculation for a channel with a length of 1 m and a pressure drop of 1 Pa are shown in Fig. 1. The graph shows the distribution of temperature and velocity along the length of the channel in a dimensionless form.

From the obtained results, it follows that the distribution of the nitrogen velocity along the length of the channel has a parabolic shape. The maximum velocity is reached in the middle of the channel and decreases to zero at the tube walls.

The results of a parametric study on the influence of pressure differential on the velocity and temperature of the gas at the tube outlet are presented. An investigation into the impact of element mesh size on the solution to the problem at hand has been conducted.

The modeling results show that the spiral steel tube can effectively be used for heating gas to high temperatures at high speeds. However, it is necessary to consider that at high speeds, additional hydrodynamic effects such as turbulence and shear flows may occur, which can affect the efficiency and stability of the gas (nitrogen) flow.


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