ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Islamov A.I., Nabiullina K.R. Modeling of temperature convection in microtubes under point heating: dependence of convection velocity on tilt angle. Multiphase Systems. 19 (2024) 3. 94–102 (in Russian).
2024. Vol. 19. Issue 3, Pp. 94–102
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2024.3.014
Modeling of temperature convection in microtubes under point heating: dependence of convection velocity on tilt angle
A.I. Islamov, K.R. Nabiullina
Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia


This paper presents the results of a study of the dependence of the convection velocity of a liquid in a microtube on the angle of inclination during point heating. This study utilizes a previously prepared finite-volume mesh of a cone-shaped microtube for use within the OpenFOAM software package. A detailed analysis and description of the mathematical model and a series of computational experiments using the built-in buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam solver are performed.

An important step in this paper is the post-processing of the results obtained from a series of computational experiments. The paper provides a detailed description of the features of the data processing carried out for direct quantitative comparison of the results obtained in the individual experiments of the series.

In the conducted computational experiments, quantitative data were obtained to reveal the dependence of the liquid convection velocity in a microtube on the angle of inclination during spot heating. From the obtained results, a significant influence of the inclination angle on the convection velocity was revealed, which can serve as a solution for the problems of optimization of mixing processes in microscale systems in the future.


polymerase chain reaction,
temperature convection,
Boussinesq approximation

Article outline

This work is part of a more general problem related to the issue of PCR (polymerase-chain reactions) acceleration. These reactions are used to multiply trace amounts of DNA molecules to volumes sufficient for analysis (sequencing). With standard approaches, PCR takes tens of minutes to hours, which is unsatisfactory for mass studies or rapid testing. There are experimental works showing that by organizing thermoconvection, PCR time can be reduced to a few minutes.

The main objective of this study was to perform mass computational experiments and analyze the results obtained using the model, method and computational grid obtained previously. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were set: based on the built-in solver buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam, to conduct a series of computational experiments at different tilt angles of the test tube α∈[-90;90]; to implement the mechanism for quantifying temperature convection with post-processing of data in the Python programming language; to analyze the obtained data and reveal the dependence of the convection velocity of the liquid in the microtube on the tilt angle during point heating; to determine the optimal tilt angle at which the highest convection velocity is achieved.

This study utilizes a previously prepared finite-volume mesh of a cone-shaped microtube for use within the OpenFOAM software package. A detailed analysis and description of the mathematical model and a series of computational experiments using the buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam built-in solver are performed. This paper also provides a detailed description of the features of the data processing carried out to directly quantitatively compare the results obtained in the individual experiments of the series.

In the computational experiments conducted, quantitative data were obtained to reveal the dependence of the convection velocity of liquid in a microtube on the angle of inclination during spot heating. From the results obtained, a significant influence of the tilt angle on the convection velocity was revealed, which can further serve as a solution for the problems of optimization of mixing processes in microscale systems.

From the results presented in this paper, it was found that the maximum estimate of thermal convection velocity is achieved at a tilt angle of α = – 40°, at a tilt angle of α = – 11° the lowest estimate of thermal convection velocity is observed, also at tilt angles of α = – 90° and α = 90° a decrease in convection velocity is noticed.

In addition to the estimation of convection velocity at different angles of inclination, the obtained calculations allow us to obtain a volumetric field of velocities (for any component of the velocity vector), temperatures, and pressure, on the basis of which we can continue studies with the inclusion of additional chemical reactions, including temperature-dependent ones, to analyze the production of DNA strands. It should be clarified that the rate of thermal convection is not the only important factor in accelerating PCR assays. In addition to this assessment, other factors should be considered, such as maintaining a certain temperature at a given time interval.


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