ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Bashirova K.I., Mikhaylenko C.I. Shock wave reflection from a layer of a finely dispersed medium with low concentrations. Multiphase Systems. 14 (2019) 4. 279–283 (in Russian).
2019. Vol. 14. Issue 4, Pp. 279–283
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2019.4.036
Shock wave reflection from a layer of a finely dispersed medium with low concentrations
Bashirova K.I., Mikhaylenko C.I.∗∗
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
∗∗Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia


The paper investigates the propagation of a shock wave when interacting with a loosely packed granular medium. The continuous two-phase mathematical model presented in this work allows one to numerically describe the propagation of a shock wave in the channel of a shock tube, the achievement of a layer of granular filling by the shock wave, and the reflection of the wave. It was shown that the granular medium partially transmits the shock wave, but mostly corresponds to it. This reflection differs from the reflection of a shock wave from a solid wall. The nature of the reflection of the shock wave depends on the density of the granules. In particular, it has been shown that a granular medium of lower density, due to the increased mobility of individual particles, leads to some amplification of the reflected wave. It is also shown that the reflected wave in this case forms two pronounced peaks. It should be noted that the pressure passed in the layer of the granular medium, on the contrary, turns out to be the greater, the heavier the particles of the granular medium.


multiphase systems,
granular media,
shock waves,
mathematical modeling,


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