ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Ronzhin R.P. , Mikhaylenko C.I. On the dependence of a cold air production on the size of a hot air output area of the vortex tube. Multiphase Systems. 13 (2018) 3. 29–35.
2018. Vol. 13. Issue 3, Pp. 29–35
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2018.3.004
On the dependence of a cold air production on the size of a hot air output area of the vortex tube
Ronzhin R.P., Mikhaylenko C.I.∗∗
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa
∗∗ Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics, UFRC RAS, Ufa


A model of a counterflow vortex tube is presented to investigate the dependence of the influence of hot exit area on the temperature separation. Computational experiments were done for 37 models for different values of the area of the hot exit ring. In a number of experiments, the pressure of the air supplied to the inlet varies in order to take into account the possible effects of computational and model errors. An anomalous result is obtained for the value of the hot exit area ∼30 cm2. Conclusions are drawn about the range of the most suitable hot exit sizes for the considered configuration of the vortex tube.


mathematical modeling,
gas dynamics,
vortex tube,
Ranque–Hilsch effect,

Article outline

It is investigate the effect of one of the geometric parameters of the counterflow vortex tube on the magnitude of the Rank-Hilsch effect. The parameter being tested is the hot output size, given by its area. The other of the geometry of the vortex tube remains unchanged.

Computational experiments are conducted in the OpenFOAM environment. The sonicFoam solver is used for the simulation of sonic flows with shock waves. Similar flow regimes are realized in the vortex tube channel.

To take into account the effect of turbulence on the result of the decision, the following steps have been taken. Measured value (temperature or pressure) is averaged over time at the last few calculated steps. Averaging is also performed over a certain cut, the values in which are calculated by the surfaceCut utility. The behavior of temperature and pressure at cold and hot exits, as well as in the cross section of the transition from the channel of the main pipe into the nozzle of the cold outlet is investigated. In addition, the calculations were carried out for several pressure values at the inlet.

The following results were obtained during the work. The size of the hot outlet has a significant effect on magnitude of the vortex effect. If we consider a vortex tube as a generator of cold and hot air at the same time, one can speak of a range of values of the area of the hot section, at which the temperature separation is greatest. For the investigated geometry, this range is S=20÷40 cm2. For the area of the section S≈30 cm2, anomalous results are obtained at the cold exit.


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